Freebsd Custom Kernel
Posted : admin On 15.12.2019You may want to update kernel sources before starting. Use subversion to do this. It's also a good idea to update the base with the command freebsd-update before compiling the custom kernel. To use svnup, install, then configure /usr/local/etc/svnup.conf.
Since manually upgrading from source (cvsup) is deprecated and the recommendation is to use freebsd-update:
- Aug 12, 2010 The only way to have freebsd-update support your custom kernel without having to recompile on the client is to run your own freebsd-update server. I'm sure DutchDaemon, among others, coud have predicted this comment from me.
- Building the FreeBSD kernel is easy, once you understand the process involved. Here's how to do it, using SSH and an iPad.
What's the best way to upgrade (e.g. 9.1 to 9.2) while keeping a non-generic (XENHVM) kernel?
I'm presently using a mix between freebsd-update and manually installing from ../9.2-RELEASE/src.txz but I would like to know if anyone else as a better/faster/cleaner/easier way of doing it.
2 Answers
Use freebsd-update to upgrade the rest of the system and rebuild the kernel from sources as before. If the kernel has changed, freebsd-update will update the sources so you can then build your custom kernel as before.
Bear in mind that some updates will not make any kernel changes and will not require a kernel rebuild.
Freebsd Kernel Module
Liteon dvd drivers downloads firmware. You could setup your own freebsd-update server which would allow you to use a custom kernel.
From the documentation:
If you build your own release using the native make release procedure, the freebsd-update-server code will work from your release. As an example, you may build a release without ports or documentation and add a custom kernel. After removing functionality pertaining to the documentation subroutine and altering the buildworld() subroutine in scripts/build.subr, the freebsd-update-code will successfully build update code on this release.